So Far SouthEast Texas Remains “In The Clear”

With the 2010 Hurricane Season  remaining on track to be the third most active hurricane season on record, the Southeast Texas Region has managed to stay “in the clear” so far.  The hurricane season is predicted to continue to remain active through the end of October and slowly decrease in frequency and intensity as we move towards the end of the year.

Thanks to the record high temperatures brought with the high pressure systems in June and July, the relatively early arrival of cold frontal boundaries, as well as many other factors (mid-level steering current, etc) most of the tropical storm tracks have directed the storms to our southwest or to the northeast.  Many of these storms which formed out in the North Atlantic this season never even made landfall in the US.  Currently additional cold frontal boundaries are predicted to head our way.

Although we have managed to keep them away until now, continue to monitor the tropics, there is still the potential for impact until the tropics calm down.  The official end of hurricane season is November 30th, 2010, however Mother Nature doesn’t always listen to what we call “the end”.  We’ll see what is to come.

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