Harvey is officially making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane over the northern end of San Jose Island about 4 miles east of Rockport. Currently the major rainfall associated with the storm is taking place just north of Corpus Christi and Freeport Texas as can be seen in the 24hr rainfall image below.

Although we continue to receive rain bands associated with the storm, the major rainfall is expected tomorrow and Sunday with continued rainfall through Wednesday next week. The current rainfall projections between now and Wednesday have increased slightly, showing 15-25 inches across the region with isolated amounts of 30-35 inches possible.
Pay close attention to rising water near rivers and bayous. Stay off the roads if possible. Do not drive through flooded streets. Turn Around, Don’t Drown. Have an emergency evacuation backpack or kit ready to go for each family member in your household in case you have to evacuate quickly due to rising water.