8/16/09 1400 Tropics Update (w/ images 3rd try)

Well, maybe now the tropics are starting to fire up. We currently have a total of 3 tropical storms out in the tropics, one currently in the Gulf. TS Claudette is just west of the FL peninsula and is currently forecasted to make landfall near Jacksonville, FL in the next 24 hours or so. TS Ana is currently just east of Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles and is currently forecast to be in the gulf in the next 5 days so we will nee to keep an eye on it. TS Bill is way out to the west of the Lesser Antilles and is currently is showing to curve to a east coast track in the next 5 days. Currently, none of the events pose any threat to the Houston/Galveston area. I will keep you posted, more updates to come.

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