Welcome Back Tropical Storm Harvey

What was this remnants of Harvey less than 24 hours ago has gradually gained strength and reorganized. It was recatagorized to a Tropical Depression early yesterday afternoon and was recently upgraded to a Tropical Storm in the last update from the National Hurricane Center.

NHC Current Forecast Track and Error Cone

The storm is currently forecast to make landfall  near Corpus Christi which is still to close for comfort and puts us on the “dirty side” of the storm.

SFWMD Current Model Plots

Although this storm is forecast to make landfall to our south, the system is expected to bring substantial rainfall to our region. Current forecasts are showing from 8-10+ inches and cross the region and the potential for more in isolated areas. If this plays out, it is more than enough rainfall to cause flooding in our area.

NOAA WPC Current QPF (Predicted Rainfall)

Prepare your family for a wet weekend Friday through Monday and stay tuned to local media for the latest updates.

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